"The Meeting Place" is a 9m high bronze sculpture of a couple locked in an intimate embrace by the world renowned sculptor Paul Day:

The couple itself will be the icon of the sculpture but around the base, on the frieze, I look at all kinds of different meetings and one of the things that made me think about that was the film ‘Love Actually’. At the airport scene, when you get all the characters together and suddenly the doors open and out come the people that have been away and you get all sorts of meetings and people being reunited. I think that is an interesting slice of life and in a way the relief around the base has to be a rich tapestry about people getting together again after being apart. All separation involves a suspended moment when one wonders is this forever?

The eternal couple (modelled after the sculptor and his wife Catherine) stand frozen in time underneath the famous St Pancras clock at the apex of the great arch of the Barlow shed. Around the base is a wonderfully sculptured frieze of striking composition.
